Thursday, September 13, 2007

How Bad is Soda?

A question I've gotten more than once is, "how much soda are pregnant women 'allowed' to drink?"
The caffiene and sugar have always been the main concern-- pregnant women are supposed to keep caffiene intake below 200 milligrams a day (which is about 4 sodas total), and avoid empty calories (and soda has about 200 of them a can).
But here's a new reason to freak out: this story, "Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health" from the Independent UK is enough to terrify any soda-loving-citizen, pregnant or not.
It alleges that a preservative in soda can actually change your DNA! Scary stuff!
For what it's worth, some blogging scientists ("Longevity Science" and "Angry Toxicologist" reject the story as being a bunch of hype.
Still... we'll just have a glass of water thanks!


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