Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A little stress is good for you?!

Believe it or not, a study by reserachers at Hopkins and NIH appears to show that mothers with higher levels of stress have children who are slightly more advanced at age 2 than thair peers! The author of the study theorizes that it may have to do with the hormone cortisol, which promotes organ growth. A second theory is that stressed moms may push their children more.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Don't Scoop that Cat Poop!

We get a lot of questions about cat safety and pregnancy, believe it or not. Our conventional advice has been, if your cat goes outside, don't clean the cat's litter box, or if you must, wear gloves. But now, after reading this article about the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, I just wouldn't let the cat go outside at all. And still get someone else to change the catbox!

Less Stress Imrpoves Fertility

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Web Find

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Prematurity = Hyperactivity

A Danish Study has found that children born between 34 and 36 weeks have a 70% higher risk of growing up to be hyperactive.

An Urban Legend Debunked

Reports the NYT, sex does not jump-start labor. In fact, it may slow it down:
The study, in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, followed 93 women in their third trimesters, all of whom answered questions about their sexual activity and underwent cervical examinations at regular doctor's visits. Those who reported having sex in their final weeks of pregnancy — about half — delivered on average at 39.9 weeks, compared with 39.3 weeks among those who had abstained.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

No tuna for pregnant women?

Consumer Reports magazine recommends a tuna-free diet for pregnant women.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Insensitive parents, chubby children

Does Parenting Style Up Kids' Weight?

Study: Authoritarian Parents May Be More Likely to Have Overweight Kids
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Medical News
Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD
on Monday, June 05, 2006

June 5, 2006 -- Researchers are looking into whether parentingparenting style affects kids' weight.

The June issue of the journal Pediatrics includes a study on the topic, done by Kyung Rhee, MD, of Boston University's pediatrics department, and colleagues.

They found that young children who received love and clear limits from their parents were less likely to be overweight in first grade than those whose parents had exhibited permissive, authoritarian, or neglectful parenting styles at the study's start.

Obesity is a serious problem for American children. The CDC estimates 17% of U.S. children aged 2 to 17 were overweight in 2003-2004.

In their study, Rhee's team followed 872 children and their mothers. The researchers assessed parenting style when the kids were about 4 and 1/2 years old, then checked the kids' weight two years later.

They found that children of the mothers judged to be authoritarian were over four times more likely to be overweight at that point than children whose mothers set firm limits but also showed warmth and sensitivity to the child.

The link between obesity and parenting style doesn't mean parenting style determined the kids' weight. Many other issues -- including cultural influences -- need to be studied, the researchers note.

About the Study

All the moms were healthy, at least 18 years old, and could understand English. Most were living with a spouse or partner, but their spouses and partners didn't participate in the study.

More than eight in 10 of the kids were white. About half were boys.

When the children were about 4 and 1/2 years old, researchers videotaped them (with permission) interacting with their moms performing several tasks in a lab. The mothers also completed a survey about their expectations for their child's self-control.

Survey questions included:

How often do you expect your child to sit or play quietly (or refrain from interrupting) while adults are having a conversation?
How often do you expect your child to go to bed without a hassle?
How often do you expect your child to be on "best behavior" when you are in public?
How often do you expect your child to wait his or her turn without fussing?

Four Parenting Styles

The researchers focused on four parenting styles:

Authoritative: Parent shows high demands for the child's self-control but also shows the child a lot of warmth and sensitivity.
Authoritarian: Parent shows high demands for the child's self-control, but low levels of warmth and sensitivity.
Permissive: Parent shows low demands for the child's self-control and lots of warmth and sensitivity.
Neglectful: Parent shows low demands for the child's self-control and little warmth and sensitivity to the child.

Based on the survey and videotapes, the researchers classified 298 moms as authoritarian, 179 as authoritative, 132 as permissive, and 263 as neglectful.

Parenting Style, Kids' Weight

Two years after the videotapes were made, when the kids were in first grade, the researchers checked data on the kids' height and weight. They found that 11% of the first-graders were overweight, based on a BMI (body mass index) in the 95th percentile or higher for their age and gender.

Obesity was then correlated to parenting style. The breakdown of overweight children, based on the researchers' observations of parenting styles two years earlier, were:

Authoritarian: 17.1 %
Neglectful: 9.9%
Permissive: 9.8%
Authoritative: 3.9%

Researchers made adjustments for factors such as income level, marital status, gender, and child behavioral problems.

Not Blaming the Parents

The study doesn't give a reason for the results and it doesn't blame parents for their kid's extra pounds. The results also don't prove parenting style was solely responsible for the kids' weight.

Rhee's team doesn't claim that a child's weight reveals parenting style. Overweight kids -- and children of normal weight -- can come from any background.

"It is clear that biological or genetic factors are involved in the risk for some children to become overweight," the researchers write. Researchers didn't have access to the parents' BMI.

Culture May Count

Culture may play a role in parenting style, Rhee and colleagues note. But with few minorities in their study, researchers weren't able to probe such influences.

It will take more work to learn how parenting styles -- including cultural norms and specific parenting behaviors -- affect child behavioral patterns regarding eating and activity levels, the researchers note.

A better understanding of those effects "may help to guide the development of more-comprehensive and more-effective prevention and treatment programs for overweight children," they write.


SOURCES: Rhee, K. Pediatrics, June 2006; vol 117: pp 2047-2054. CDC: "Prevalence of Overweight Among Children and Adolescents: United States, 2003-2004." News release, American Academy of Pediatrics.

Sperm Counts

This just in from the New York Times: older dads may raise the risk for certain birth defects.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Births: Final Data for 2003

The following stats about procedures during birth are from the 2003 National Hospital Discharge Survey published last fall by the Centers for Disease Control. Basically, what these figures help to show is that when it comes to reaching moms immediately after pregnancy with information, it's important to recognize that effects may be muted since many are in pain and undergoing serious, slow recovery.

Total percent of moms having cesarean sections: 27.5%. Total number of moms undergoing cesarean sections: 1.1 million. Percent of moms having a c-section for the first time: 19%.
Total number of obstetrical procedures performed on birthing mothers: 6.7 million.
Repairs for lacerations during birth: 1.2 million.
Number of artificial rupture of membranes: 884,000 (breaking of the bag of waters during labor.)
Number of episiotomies: 716,000 (cutting to widen the birth canal -- often leading to stitches and a painful, long recovery).
Rate of vaginal births after previous Cesarean: 11 per 100 births.