Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More Fish Oil News

Fish oil and the fatty acids in it are the new trendy ingredient in prenatal supplements and baby formula. Eggs and yogurt are now coming with DHA (wonder what they're feeding those chickens?). But the fish oil news isn't all necessarily good: in addition to possibly causing prolonged bleeding after birth and babies with extra-large heads, it also appears to extend the length of gestation by several days.
It's probably a good idea to cut out the fish oil in the third trimester, then take supplements after the baby's born so baby will get a supply from your breastmilk.

Monday, February 25, 2008

'.... is aeronautical-grade aluminum really necessary?'

Every wonder how those high-end strollers do in a real life?
New York Magazine's Faye Penn helpfully test-drives nine high-end brands in real-life city conditions.

More Lead Worries

More lead has been found in baby products: this time, pacifiers and a breast pump!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lead Linked to Obesity?

"Scientists know exposure to low levels of lead can result in learning disabilities, hearing loss, language impairments and vision loss, but a newly discovered side effect may be adult-onset obesity in men, according to a University of Houston professor."

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good News, Bad News

Good News About VBACs: "A woman who has had one successful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery is even more likely to succeed during subsequent trials of vaginal birth, new research suggests."

Maternal stress and schizophrenia link: "A recent article in the Archives of General Psychiatry reports that women who undergo an extremely stressful event during the first three months of pregnancy have an increased risk of having children who develop schizophrenia."

In spite of ample evidence that home births are safer than the hospital for uncomplicated deliveries, the ACOG opines that "choosing to deliver a baby at home is to place the process of giving birth over the goal of having a healthy baby" and blames the current state of women's health for the high c-section rate.