Monday, November 24, 2008

New Scare about Antidepressants and Pregnancy

Fluoxetine (Prozac) is the most-commonly prescribed antidepressant for pregnant women, though it's not considered completely harmless, especially in the third trimester, it's long been considered safest by many women's health care providers because it's been on the market the longest.

Now, a new study has found that "women who took the antidepressant fluoxetine during the first three months of pregnancy gave birth to four times as many babies with heart problems as women who did not and the levels were three times higher in women taking paroxetine" [Paxil(r)].

We wonder if this will lead to a change in how depression is treated in pregnant women.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Flaxseed oil and prematurity

"A study has found that the risks of a premature birth quadruple if flaxseed oil is consumed in the last two trimesters of pregnancy."
This is important news, a lot of women consume flaxseed oil as a way to get more DHA, which is thought to help a baby's brain and eye development.