Monday, September 17, 2007

Scary Unisom News

Knowing I had to get up unusually early in the morning, I considered taking an over-the-counter sleep aid and thought I'd Google it to see if it was okay. I didn't expect this scary news: doxylamine succinate, the active ingredient in some forms of Unisom, has been linked to limb and organ defects, especially if taken during the first 7 weeks, which is before mant women even know they're pregnant. What the piece doesn't say is how much of the drug pregnant women were exposed to.
Just what pregnant women need, one more thing to freak out about!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

How Bad is Soda?

A question I've gotten more than once is, "how much soda are pregnant women 'allowed' to drink?"
The caffiene and sugar have always been the main concern-- pregnant women are supposed to keep caffiene intake below 200 milligrams a day (which is about 4 sodas total), and avoid empty calories (and soda has about 200 of them a can).
But here's a new reason to freak out: this story, "Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health" from the Independent UK is enough to terrify any soda-loving-citizen, pregnant or not.
It alleges that a preservative in soda can actually change your DNA! Scary stuff!
For what it's worth, some blogging scientists ("Longevity Science" and "Angry Toxicologist" reject the story as being a bunch of hype.
Still... we'll just have a glass of water thanks!